Thursday, 21 February 2013

WILLIAMS FW14B The story so far


I have finally finished spraying the rear cowling and added the active suspension detailing. The rear cowling wasn't much of a problem until I took off the masking tape, which left one or two spots of matt adhesive marks on the blue area. My mistake I suppose, the blue paint must not have hardened off, even though it had been left for a week. I corrected this by over spraying with clear acrylic and that seems to have done the trick. The front active suspension detail is now complete. at least to the parts supplied, but the box art shows another section that should be included. However since this is now to be covered over for ever I think I will leave it and there seems to be little space under the cover to add extra components. The reason I say it will be covered over without being able to remove the cover is that the retaining screw is fixed into the plastic tub cover and removal of the screw will simply strip out the thread of the plastic making it impossible to fix it back down again. Another metal bracket would have resolved the problem and I am sure I could have rustled something up if I had thought of this sooner, what ho for hindsight eh! I have also been thinking about the engine air intake and having researched many photographs of the actual car, have decided to spray the blue square onto the yellow to avoid using the supplied blue decal and having paint match problems. Once again the side box art is incorrect in this aspect. I have also received from Hong Kong the extra Camel and tyre decals, well worth the $10 to finish the model accurately. I shall now get on with the front brakes and side pod detail and update my blog when I have made some progress. I know it might seem a bit of a pain, but I would really like anyone who reads this to give me some feedback. Thanks and cheerio for now. Here are some pics.

That's all folks !

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